Wednesday, July 13, 2011

India's (Phoney) war on terror

Yet again, around 20 people killed and a few hundreds injured in bombay.

The Home Minister of the country in his first address after the incident, comes out and says, "Not an Intelligence failure".

Huh ? What do you mean Sir ? You mean to say the intelligence personnel were actually successful ?

He further explains "no intelligence input to state or central agencies" !
Well do you folks sit and expect Intelligence to be served on a platter ??
It is gathered Mr.Chidambaram, thats why its Intelligence and not news.
You have miserably failed and so have all the intelligence wings. Get that straight, please!

and also that they had kept the city safe for 31 months, commendable indeed eh ?

Very very sick, complacent and imbecile comments by someone who is responsible for over a billion people's security. This feeling is shared by not just many sick politicians, but fellow citizens. That terrorism is acceptable, that not much can be done. NO, it is not acceptable, there is no compromise.

We are not Pakistan to accept this, we are not Somalia, Uganda or Columbia ! We are India ! the 4th Largest Economy in the world, an emerging Super Power. The world acknowledges this fact, why don't we, why do we act like we are a powerless puppet state where tribal leaders are the true rulers.

Yes they got WTC, they bombed London Underground, but what happened since then ? You make them pay, you make them bleed, so that they know they can't take it for granted. You go out to your countrymen and say "No matter where you are, we'll come and get you" and then go do it ! Barack Obama's speech after killing Osama bin Laden

That is what we want, not an excuse.

Terrorists are human too and they definitely fear death and punishment. At least the ones who are on top definitely do, that's why they send teenage retards to go out as schoolboys as suicide bombers and not themselves. But, with India, they don't need to fear at all, because all Mr. Chidambaram will do is warn them, and then warn them again.
When they strike, he will wimp out saying, "It is not my fault, we didnt get intelligence". Does he mean we didnt get the usual stuff western powers grind and toil to obtain and then pass on ?

It is indeed shameful that we never 'ACT'. Some people will shed tears, some others will walk with candles, most others would think, that's Bombay, my city is safe. Media will ride the wave and make money, why doesn't anybody (people who are heard)  have the courage to ask Mr. P. Chidambaram what does he mean he has not failed and that things have been fine for 31 months.

We just keep letting our brothers down, we have no resolve, we have no courage. What use are the 126 Multi role Combat Aircraft and the Aircraft Carriers ? How would they save us from this threat ? We need to change our focus, make the effort, make the investments, find the perpetrators and PUNISH them.

Today, am ashamed to be Indian.


  1. I feel your anger...I don't think thi s govt takes national security seriously.
    This Indian govt is made of pansies & even though i have great respect for Dr. MMS(PM), he is not fit to be PM.

    After 26/11, India should have made it's case to strike training camps of LeT/JuD to the US & with citizens of US, Israel & India brutally murdered, India would have overwhelming support to strike camps in a swift commando/special forces raid.
    Our 'napunsak' Indian govt didnt do anything except make angry noises.
    Now our foreign ministry has even started saying that Pak is a victim of terrorism, when the truth is that the ISI created the terror groups, some of which are now attacking the Pak state.
    The ISI is EVIL & needs to be taught a lesson NOW.

  2. Vote this joke of a govt out & vote BJP to power. BJP has some corrupt politicians too, but they care about national security .
