Sunday, December 4, 2011

Harry Potter - poor man's version of the LOTR, no wait, poor child's version

Well, finally I watched Harry Potter. Probably one of the last people my age to watch it. I watched them all together from first to last part. I had downloaded each one of them soon as they were available but was never inclined to watch them and well, not even slightly disappointed that I did not watch them earlier.

Right from the beginning what struck me was the movies resemblance to The Lord of the Rings, something that only grew as the movie / Mr.Potter apparently claim to become more mature. I thought let me first make a list of stuff that they're similar in.

1) Terribly Obvious - The Dark Lord, who was destroyed and then lost form and is regaining strength. My god, a blatant copy. Even things like you don't say his name is copied !! Duh...

2) Voldermort's power is in different objects which must be destroyed to kill him. Just because you change one ring to many objects doesn't make it a new story, does it ?

3) Three main characters fighting Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli - Harry, Ron and Hermione
Yeah, but Harry shuffles between the roles of Frodo and Aragorn though every now and then.

4) The mark on Harry ! Mark on Frodo after the Weathertop incident, he can feel him everytime he is close, exact copy

5) Dementors and later Death whatever are nothing other than Ringwraiths or Nazgul. They even make the same screech.

6) Dobby / Kreacher (they called them elves though)= Smeagol

7) When they first wear that locket, they act weird, which is exactly what the ringbearer feels. Sick copy again.

8) The extremely silly attempt to show Harry's struggle to find the Horcruxes and destroy them comparing it with Frodo's journey to mount doom. Its a sick drag in Deathly Hallows part 1

9) Siege of Hogwarts school (castle) - trying to mimic the one at Minas Tirith. What a sick joke it is. Wizards firing away instead of Trebuchets !! I almost vomitted and of course Trolls versus armored knights, huh

I can just go on and on. All Ms. Rowling has done seems to be take LOTR, add unicorns, fairies and other child friendly characters, some silly fairy tales and make millions out of it.

Most of all there are few things that is extremely annoying.

Firstly, There is little character detail unlike LOTR, they are all very shallow, just too many random people.

Second, you really don't really associate with their plight, there is really no sense of danger or urgency. Nowhere do you ever feel that the world is going to end.

LOTR does marvellously well here, throughout you feel there is no hope, that all is over and at that very instant, there is a miracle, timing is immaculate. In Harry Potter, neither do you feel desperate nor are there miracles  (they just randomly keep happening, Harry is more like superman, invincible and for no apparent reason)

What annoyed me most of all is the naiveity of the villain. He just sucks, a weird morph between Darth Wader and the villain from The Mummy, you are not least bit scared of him. He is a sore loser and never seems to stand a chance against boy-wonder Harry. I don't have a clue why all the wizards are afraid of him, he committed a couple murders ?? OMG, that is world domination material ? You believe that ? Just sick !!

I really can't believe Adults can actually like Harry Potter, if you do, please read and watch The Lord of the Rings and you will actually realize how much this sucks.

I am happy am done with the ordeal of sitting through all of Harry Potter.

P.S. Please mail me if you want my copy of HD Rips of the entire series, I won't need them.

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